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CFx Batteries

50% Higher Energy Density and rechargeable, our CFx technology aim to achieve high-energy, rechargeable batteries that power vessels and rail systems with minimal infrastructure disruption towards significant reduction in the US carbon footprint.


50% higher energy density for higher efficiency and superior performance


Low freezing temperature and high anodic stability of the electrolytes


Less sacrificing Li-ion conductivity by using anions with a high donor number


Forming LiF-rich SEI & CEI to maintain a similar N/P ratio at various temperatures & similar overpotential at various rates

Battery Powered Long-Distance Transportations

Enabling Electrification of Air, Rail, and Ocean Going Transportations

This new chemistry builds on previous work at UMD on halogen conversion-intercalation chemistry but targets significantly higher energy through active material, electrolyte, and other cell chemistry modifications. The cell is assembled in the discharged state, significantly lowering cost relative to high-energy Li-metal cells that are built in the charged state (and hence require the use of Li-metal foils).

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